Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lovely Leafling!

I meant to post this earlier when I finished it a few weeks ago but I got too excited over my Wollmeise and kept forgetting. Lovely Leafling is finished! Originally I was going to be selfish and keep all my Rockin Sock Club socks to myself but I started thinking about xmas and these socks jumped up and down and yelled "present for mom". So I listened to my socks....maybe I should rename my blog to "sock whisperer"! lol

I absolutely loved the pattern and the cushy heel is awsome. STR mediumweight is fantastic to knit with.....very cushy and a nice change from the lightweight which doesn't have the cushiness. If I liked thicker socks, mediumweight would be the way to go. I definitely plan on adding more mediumweight to my stash...I know any excuse to buy yarn! lol

All in all, a definitely redo....I have a skein of Lover's Leap in Mediumweight which would make a great pair of Leafling for myself.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Very pretty! Makes we want to knit mine.