Friday, July 11, 2008

It's Friday I'm in Love

Remember The Cure Song:
I don't care if monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's friday I'm in love.......

That's exactly how I feel about Fridays! Especially when I get more Wollmeise!! I was F5'ing since 5 AM EST and then I had to go drop off my hubby and his mom at the airport. I brought my laptop just in case! So I dropped them off and I'm trying to F5 and drive at the same time....hmmm...that was probably a bad idea! I don't think the police officer would appreciate my excuse: but officer, its critical that I get my weekly wollmeise fix or I might go into permanent pms mode!

I pulled into the post office parking lot to pick up my package from Wollmeise since my mailman failed to deliver it me at home earlier in the week. So I get my package and I get in the car and hit F5...lo and behold.....I had like 20 skeins of yarn in my cart! I couldn't believe my eyes! It was so hard going down to 7 skeins....but I managed:

Here is what I ordered - all 100% superwash (pics are from the Wollmeise site):
Suzanne - dark

Lowenzahn - light

Turkis & Karneol - medium

Miss May - medium (pic is of the light intensity)

Johannisbeer und Brennessel - medium

Poison Nr. 5 - medium (YAY!!)

Mitternacht - dark

This was my best order so far......lots of different colors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous yarn. Not tried Woolmeisse yet.